Preschool Frequently Asked Questions
Posted by:1. Does my child need to be toilet trained before starting preschool?
Toilet training before starting preschool is highly encouraged but not a requirement to enroll in the program.
2. Can I enroll my 3-year-old child?
YES! We now accept students who are 3 years old by October 1st.
3. My 3-year-old child is currently enrolled in DTS preschool program. Do I need to go through the registration process again to secure a spot for the upcoming year?
No. Your child will automatically be re-enrolled into the preschool program for the upcoming year. Preschool enrollment announcements are for students who never attended Deerfield Township School District.
4. What curriculum will be used for preschool?
The district uses Connect4Learning. It is a state approved program that has a large focus on early literacy, mathematics, problem solving and social emotional learning.
5. How many students are in each preschool classroom?
Each preschool classroom has a preschool certified teacher and instructional aide. The number of students in each classroom is capped at 15 students.